Get Involved

We know that our volunteers are the heartblood of the ministry. Without you we would not be able to do what we do. To all of those who currently volunteer we offer our greatest appreciation. If you are not currently a volunteer at BUILDING BRIDGES LRC but think you might like to be, we would love to have you join us. Here are some volunteer positions. Maybe you would enjoy serving the meals or maybe preparing meals is more your style. We are always happy to have you help out. Or maybe you would consider mentoring someone, or maybe you can teach someone a skill to use in the workforce. We also want to provide LIFE SKILLS training. Maybe that's your thing. Whatever your interested in volunteering to do we would be happy to have you join us.


  •  How we help: Feeding, clothing, utility assistance programs
  •  Where we help: DFW Area poverty stricken locations
  •  When we help: As often as your giving allows

Why Give to Building Bridges LRC?

BUILDING BRIDGES LRC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit assisting the homeless in Tarrant County. We provide food, clothing, hygiene products to our friends without homes. We also provide discipleship classes, life skills training, personal mentoring, as well as assist with job training and job placement.
Our vision moving forward is to open a Discipleship Home where we can also provide temporary housing for those who want to make a change in their lives.
We can’t accomplish anything without you!!
By simply making a monthly donation of $50 you will be changing lives eternally. If you can’t make a monthly pledge of $50 consider $25 instead. If you are unable to commit to our monthly pledge consider a onetime donation of any size. You make our ministry work possible. It is through your donations that we continue to help those in need!!
Please join us, in “Changing lives one soul at a time”

Let’s make a difference in the lives of others

Homeless Outreach Fort Worth